What are the advantages of using 20 gauge crown staples?

Here are some of the advantages of using 20 gauge crown staples:


The thin wire gauge of 20 gauge staples allows for easy penetration into thin materials like fabrics, cardboard and paper. They are well suited for lightly fastening these types of materials.

Holding power

The crown at the top of 20 gauge staples helps distribute pressure over a wider area, providing more clamping force and holding power compared to regular pins of the same gauge.


Crown staples come in a variety of shapes and styles to suit different materials and uses, including T-crowns, double crowns, strip crowns and wedge crowns.


While thinner, the crown at the top of 20 gauge staples helps reinforce the staple and improve its durability and longevity compared to regular pins.


The lighter weight and smaller size of 20 gauge crown staples makes them easy to adjust after placement if needed, simply by pulling them out slightly and repositioning.


The curved or angled shape of the crown on 20 gauge staples helps them grip into certain materials better than regular straight pins, improving security and pull-out resistance.


The crown at the top of 20 gauge staples makes them slightly more visible after installation compared to flush headless pins, which can be preferable for some uses.


In general, 20 gauge crown staples tend to cost about the same as or only slightly more than standard 20 gauge pins, despite providing greater functionality and holding power.

The key advantages of 20 gauge crown staples over regular pins include properties like increased penetration, holding power, durability, adjustability, grip, visibility and versatility – at largely the same or lower cost. The crowned shape reinforces staples while improving their performance for different uses.